Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I found out today that I have been accepted to a study abroad program through IES to Ireland! I am really excited! I will be leaving in mid-June and be on the Emerald Isle until the end of July. I got the email earlier this afternoon... it had about 10 links to things I need to read or do. But at least I already have my passport, so that is one thing that is off the list. The rest of the links are the basics: medical information, manual for etiquette (don't use intravenous drugs and don't have sex with strangers) and the all-important money stuff.

By the way, I probably won't update this blog too much until it gets closer to time, but I wanted to make sure it was all set up before I left the states.

Not much else to report... More to come eventually...


Kelly said...

I'm so excited for you Dannielle!
You're going to have such an amazing time.

And I recommend taking their advice on the no sex with strangers bit :-)

I miss you!

Love, your twin.

Kelly said...

PS. I like your blog address. I think I've seen something like it before.... ;-)

Stacer said...

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to visit somewhere that most people only see is Irish Spring comercials. Don't study so hard that you don't have time to enjoy your surroundings. If you have time to visit Illinois before you leave we would love to have you. Take lots of pictures, be safe, and have fun!!

Love you,


Unknown said...

Dannielle we are so happy for you! What a great opportunity! We look forward to seeing all of your pictures, and hearing about your trip when you get home. Take care.
Uncle Randy and Aunt Denise