Monday, April 28, 2008


I don't have much to report on Ireland. I am gearing up to go... I bought a guidebook on Amazon last week.

I have finals starting tomorrow, but I am having a hard time getting motivated. A little like Christmas, visions of shamrocks are dancing in my head. Hopefully finals wouldn't be too bad this semester. Only one of them is comprehensive, and my professor has promised that the list of topics that he posted will be the only topics on the final.

In other news, since finals will be over I am going to be moving back home for a month. That also means I have to pack everything up. I am not really looking forward to that part of it, because I think I have acquired a lot of stuff this year. Maybe I can have a moving sale...

Back to the books,


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Just a little update

I haven't posted much lately. Not a whole lot going on for this trip yet. I have been filling out paperwork for housing and such. My parents and I had to send in a waiver saying if I die we won't sue. Plus I got a physical (I am in excellent health, by the way) and have been researching and reading up on Ireland.

Most recently I have been looking up churches plus sending out emails trying to find one to go to BEFORE I leave. I will only be there for 7 weeks or so, therefore I don't want to waste 4 weeks trying to find a place that I feel comfortable. I am hoping to have it narrowed down to one or two THEN decide. And I know that it will be a easier to get connected with some other Christians if I have at least emailed them in advance.

Also I am filling out an application to work as a substitute teacher for the time between the end of school for me and the 10th of June. It is one of the few positions that I can think of that won't be put out if I leave in the 2nd week of June. So wish me luck with that.

Back to the work. I haven't done any homework all weekend so I need to get some stuff done.
