Thursday, March 27, 2008

Small details

Sooo... I had my meeting last night and have a few more of the details about my trip.
1. I will be staying in an apartment in a residential part of central Dublin with between 3-9 other students.
2. The program is not on a university campus... in fact IES (my program sponsor) is contained all in one building.
3. It is likely that I will only have class 1 or 2 days a week... they pack the workload in on those days, however.

Plus I learned how to say hello.
Dia dhuit a (name)= God be with you,
The response is:
Dias muire dhuit a (name)= God and Mary be with you.
And the response to that is:
Dias muire dhuit is padraig a (name)= God and Mary and Patrick be with you.

Evidently it goes on and can get up to twelve names of saints, but that is as far as the lady who was talking to us wanted to go...

Dia dhuit a you (I don't know the Irish word for it yet)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Airfare bought

So I got my refund check from my scholarship on Friday and I guess it was burning a hole in my pocket... so, after depositing it today, I went ahead and bought my plane ticket. Looks like I am leaving Evansville on June 10th flying to Cincinnati, then to JFK in New York, then Dublin. The return trip will follow the same route. More stops than I had planned, but it will be an adventure this way... right?

Not a whole lot else. There is an informational meeting on Wednesday that will hopefully fill out those SMALL details like where I will be living (on campus, in an apartment, with a family...?)and how or where I will eat.

Have a great night
~ Dannielle

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's official

Happy St. Patrick's Day (late)

After paying the "pre-payment" of $500, I have two conclusions: I REALLY GOING! And I am really poor. Not to worry though, my scholarships are actually paying for everything, but now I have to wait to be reimbursed. In the meantime I am living on a yarn budget (slightly smaller than a shoestring) but am excited enough by the thought of going to Ireland to not let that bother me. Hopefully the wheels of the bureaucracy will grind a bit faster and I will be able to buy my airfare soon...

Off to class, because that is why I go to college. (Right?)


Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I found out today that I have been accepted to a study abroad program through IES to Ireland! I am really excited! I will be leaving in mid-June and be on the Emerald Isle until the end of July. I got the email earlier this afternoon... it had about 10 links to things I need to read or do. But at least I already have my passport, so that is one thing that is off the list. The rest of the links are the basics: medical information, manual for etiquette (don't use intravenous drugs and don't have sex with strangers) and the all-important money stuff.

By the way, I probably won't update this blog too much until it gets closer to time, but I wanted to make sure it was all set up before I left the states.

Not much else to report... More to come eventually...